<%set rs=conn.execute("select top 10 * from article where classid=9 and top_tp=false and top_wz=false order by rq desc") i=1 do while not rs.eof %>
/<%=trim(rs("filename"))%>.htm" target="_blank" title="<%=rs("bt")%>" class="topz"> <% if rs("isred")=true then response.write "" response.write left(rs("bt1"),16)&"" else response.write left(rs("bt1"),16) end if %> [<%=right(yDate(rs("rq")),5)%>]
<% rs.movenext i=i+1 loop rs.close set rs=nothing %>

   香港明星 更多>>
<% set mingxing=conn.execute("select top 32 * from mx where (type1='香港男星') or (type1='香港女星') order by id asc") total=1 do while not mingxing.eof %> <% for j=1 to 4 if not mingxing.eof then %> <% end if mingxing.movenext next %> <% total=total+1 if total mod 8=0 then exit do mingxing.movenext loop %>
/<%=trim(mingxing("id"))%>.htm" target="_blank" class="topz"><%=mingxing("name1")%>
   内地明星 更多>>
<% set mingxing=conn.execute("select top 32 * from mx where (type1='内地男星') or (type1='内地女星' and ontop=true) order by id asc") total=1 do while not mingxing.eof %> <% for j=1 to 4 if not mingxing.eof then %> <% end if mingxing.movenext next %> <% total=total+1 if total mod 8=0 then exit do mingxing.movenext loop %>
/<%=trim(mingxing("id"))%>.htm" target="_blank" class="topz"><%=mingxing("name1")%>

   韩国明星 更多>>
<% set mingxing=conn.execute("select top 32 * from mx where (type1='日韩明星')order by id asc") total=1 do while not mingxing.eof %> <% for j=1 to 4 if not mingxing.eof then %> <% end if mingxing.movenext next %> <% total=total+1 if total mod 8=0 then exit do mingxing.movenext loop %>
/<%=trim(mingxing("id"))%>.htm" target="_blank" class="topz"><%=mingxing("name1")%>
   台湾明星 更多>>
<% set mingxing=conn.execute("select top 32 * from mx where (type1='台湾男星') or (type1='台湾女星') order by id asc") total=1 do while not mingxing.eof %> <% for j=1 to 4 if not mingxing.eof then %> <% end if mingxing.movenext next %> <% total=total+1 if total mod 8=0 then exit do mingxing.movenext loop %>
/<%=trim(mingxing("id"))%>.htm" target="_blank" class="topz"><%=mingxing("name1")%>
<%if i mod 3=0 then response.write"" i=i+1 Rs.movenext if j>=MaxPerPage then exit do j=j+1 loop %>
<% Const MaxPerPage=9 page=request("page") if page<>"" then currentPage=saferequest("page",1) else currentPage=1 end if if request("typeid")<>"" then typeid=saferequest("typeid",1) end if sql="select * from yiren order by rq desc" set rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof or not rs.bof then totalPut=rs.recordcount if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 end if if (currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage>totalput then if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage else currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if end if if currentPage=1 then showContent showpage totalput,MaxPerPage,"mxhy.asp" 'showpage totalput,MaxPerPage,"qyyr.asp" 'showContent else if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage
<% end if sub showContent i=1 j=1 do while not rs.eof %>
/<%=trim(rs("filename"))%>.htm" target="_blank" title="<%=rs("bt")%>">" border="0" width="97" height="105" />
/<%=trim(rs("filename"))%>.htm" target="_blank" title="<%=rs("bt")%>" class="tophei"> <% response.write rs("bt") %>
<%end sub%>
<%set rs=conn.execute("select top 18 * from bolg where index_picture<>'0' order by rq desc") y=1 do while not rs.eof%> <% if y mod 6=0 then response.Write"" y=y+1 rs.movenext loop rs.close set rs=nothing %>
" target="_blank" class="tophei">" border="0" width="140" height="54" />